Haptic Networks are proud to announce our official status as Cambium Connected Partners.
With their background as Motorola Wireless, WiFi powerhouse Cambium emerged in 2011 and since then has developed an impressive grasp of the global WiFi market. Cambium has a strong presence in both public and private networks, their equipment is currently used in small, medium and enterprise commercial deployments as well as education.
Cambium currently comprise 700 staff, connecting people, places and things in over 170 countries and across 6 continents...that's a pretty impressive start. Haptic Networks have an extensive pedigree of deploying solid and reliable WiFi solutions across EMEA for over 15 years.
The team here at Haptic Networks are incredibly impressed with the capabilities of Cambium equipment. Cambium provides reliable, consistent, connectivity for high user densities. The fully integrated single pane management of the Cambium Switch portfolio makes Cambium an incredibly compelling proposition for IT professionals looking to maximise their ROI, whilst minimising their management overhead.
As an official Cambium reseller, Haptic Networks can assist with any enquiry you may have around the solution. We typically offer advisory calls, demo equipment as well as introductions to the team at Cambium to help you understand more about the benefits of the solution. Click here to contact us for more information.